Leaf Peep VIII
Forgot to mention yesterday that we saw a maple sap farm. We drove by a grove of Sugar Maples with a grid of hoses running through it and smaller tubes leading from trees to the hose grid. Before I realized what we were seeing we were by it so no picture.
Drove Hwy 6 across the top of Pennsylvania today. First 50 miles was in fog, pretty thick at times. Trees were colorful but muted by the fog. As we got further west there was still lots of color but also many trees that had not started to turn at all and at the other extreme there were lots of bare branches and even bare trees. Different pattern of temperatures in this part of the country I guess.
We stopped at a post office in a small town along the way to send a gift package. Post offices mot affected by shutdown.
Tonight we are in a National Forest campground that is going to close Monday morning because of the govt. shutdown. Lucky for us they got to stay open a few extra days. Beautiful spot with lots of great camp spots (now mostly empty).
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