Pretty Day
North on Highway 97 again. This is the same 97 we first picked up in Weed, CA and have been on much of our trip since then. We will leave it for a while but will find it again in a week or so and pretty much follow it all the way to Alaska. To the rest of the world that section is called “The Alaska Highway” or “The Alcan”. Canadians refer to it by its’ number, “Highway 97”.
Beautiful day. Bright sun and temps. in the low 70’s. Very pretty country. Mile after mile of long, large lakes one after another nestled in between beautiful green mountains
Bridge over narrow part of one of the lakes.
Many orchards. This area grows and ships more than a third of Canada’s apples.
This string of lakes is a large summer resort and camping area. We are a little early for the season so traffic and numbers of people was not too bad.
Three Valley Lake Chateau
We went through several very large towns. Each with several large shopping malls, every fast food imaginable, Home Depots, Walmarts, etc. Picture Roseville, CA but stretched out along one major road.
Last summer we went to Promontory Point, site of the last spike driven to complete the transcontinental railroad. Today we stopped at the site of the last spike driven to complete the trans-Canadian railroad.
Painting depicting ceremonial placement of spike.
Caboose display, real pulling train that happened into picture, monument commemorating last spike.
Tee shirt in gift shop at last spike site.
We are parked for the night in Revelstoke, BC.
There are snow capped mountains on all sides of us with river valleys between them.
After setting up the carbus we went to town to get info on local sights. Again we are a bit early as much of the hikes and mountain drives are still snowed over. They did tell us about a waterfall several miles south of town so off we went.
Sign at trailhead. Walk was actually about two minutes.
Sutherland Falls.
One more thing.
Happy Birthday Christina!
Love, mom and dad