Father’s Day, Sunshine, and Bears!
First of all, Happy Father’s Day to all to whom that applies. Thanks to my kids for remembering me today.
This morning we woke up to something we haven’t seen for a couple of weeks. Sunshine! Very good omen. Our drive down to Homer was very different than the previous two visits. We could see farther than several hundred feet away. Much farther. The view across Cook Inlet to the chain of volcanoes was spectacular. No clouds, just huge white mountains with blue sky behind them.
A few clouds when we got to Homer but no big deal and no rain.
When we got to the hanger the plane was outside, another good sign. We were good to go.
Don’t think I can properly describe the day so I will just post pictures with some comments.
Airport we just left from.
Small fishing village across the bay from Homer.
This is pretty neat. Circular rainbow with shadow of plane in center. Click on it to blow it up.
That is a mountain (caldera actually) completely covered by a glacier. Not quite large enough to be called an ice field but it does feed several finger glaciers.
Glacier covering mountain. Note that we are below summit.
Glacier from upper end with glacial lake at bottom.
Hallo Glacier
Bear with another tour group in the background.
Medium sized paw print with reference.
Pretty good sized male.
Sow and cub. We watched this pair for some time from several spots.
Do they seem closer?
Closer yet?
Closer yet?
They came within ten feet of us.
And then moved on.
Nursing cub
Mother and child.
Intrepid adventurers
Right: Intrepid adventurers
Center: Michael Hughes – Pilot/Guide
Left: Couple from Netherlands
Duncan Hughes, Michael’s son
Time to head home
WARNING !!! This next picture is X-Rated. Do not scroll if offended.
Probably more than you all wanted to see but have had requests for us to share.
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