Sunday, May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016

Yes Toto, We’re Back In Kansas

This morning was bright and clear in Denver.


Our neighbor in the Elks RV park. Picture taken from inside Carbus.

Checked weather and everything looked fine as far as Dodge City so we decided to head east again.  Glad we did.  Traffic was still pretty heavy leaving Denver on a Sunday.  Tomorrow would have been a mess.

East on I70 under clear skies.  Just short of the Kansas border we headed south on a rural state highway.


Headed south in eastern Colorado.  Note sky.



Classic Plains scene.

About ten miles south we turned east on a dirt county road and entered Kansas. 


Mt. Sunflower this way.  Again note sky.

Ten miles east and ten miles south (all dirt county farm roads) we turned back west toward Colorado.  100 yards shy of the border we turned into a ranch field and drove the arduous climb up Mt. Sunflower. ( Basically an almost level, wide cow path about a quarter mile long Smile ) Highest point in Kansas.  This was our second visit.  Today was a busy day on the summit.  There was already a man parked on the summit.  Small world – he was from a small town near Yreka, California.  We visited a bit, took pictures, and again bid adieu to Mt. Sunflower.


Carbus parked on the highest point in Kansas.  Note change in sky.


Sue signing summit log book


Replica of state flower.


Weather rock on summit.


View west from the summit.  Dark green area in center is a ranch house complex.  It is in Colorado. Again note sky.


Looking east.  Note sky


Looking northwest.  Note sky.  West clouding, north not so much.


Leaving Mt. Sunflower.  View to southwest.



We got to RV park in Scott City about 5:30 central time.  Turned on TV and found we had just missed the southern edge of a severe weather and tornado watch area that extended all the way to Nebraska and east to Wichita with actual tornado sightings near I70 a little east of where we turned south.  Sky here is clear now and weather is calm.  We’ll what tomorrow brings.

Map to date.

1 comment:

  1. Is the highest elevation in Kansas about 50 feet? :-)
